School activities can be messy and shoes and clothing can easily get soiled or damaged. We therefore advise that you do not purchase costly items for use in school where cheaper options are available. In addition, please make sure that ALL items of uniform are clearly labelled.
Items with the school logo can be purchased from:
Total Clothing,
No 9 Botolph Trading Estate,
Oundle Road,
Tel. 01733 394758
All other items may be purchased from a retailer of your choice.
Plain grey trousers
Grey knee length skirt or pinafore dress
Pale blue polo shirt, shirt or blouse
Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo on
Smart black formal school shoes. *Sports branded shoes and trainers (including leather trainers) are NOT permitted.
Plain grey trousers or knee length shorts
Grey knee length skirt
Blue gingham dress/playsuit or grey pinafore dress
Pale blue polo shirt, shirt or blouse
Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo on
Smart black formal school shoes. *Please see guidance above
Please note, Reception children will not need a PE kit until the Spring term (January 2024). PE kits, including trainers, will be kept in school each week. Children are not permitted to wear jewellery during PE sessions, earrings must be removed by the children or parents and carers beforehand. We do not allow children's ears to be taped during PE lessons.
Royal blue t-shirt with school logo on
Plain white t-shirt
Plain black shorts
*Children are occasionally barefoot when using the hall
Royal blue t-shirt with school logo on
Plain white t-shirt
Plain black jogging bottoms or tracksuit bottoms
Plain black sweatshirt or hoodie
Hoodie with the school logo on
*Children are occasionally barefoot when using the hall
Please note: In line with our expectation for children to look smart in their uniforms the following are NOT permitted:
Body art (inc. transfer tattoos, glitter etc)
Make-up (this includes nail varnish)
Large hair accessories (e.g. bows and beads)
Jewellery. Pierced earrings should be studs only and limited to one in each ear.
Extreme haircuts including tramlines, shaved heads, extreme patterns and dyed hair.