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Curriculum Overview

At Manor Drive Primary Academy we give our children the skills and knowledge that they need to succeed in later education and their wider lives. This, however, is not the sole purpose of our curriculum. We also aim to enrich our children’s understanding of the world and to broaden their horizons. We believe in teaching children a rich variety of knowledge across a broad range of subjects. Once the children have mastered their new understanding, our teachers support them to think creatively and critically about what they have learned.

Reading is at the heart of our curriculum because we know it to be the single most important skill with which we can equip our children. We aim not only to teach children how to read but to show them the joy of reading and to give them a love of books that will last them a lifetime. We have carefully evaluated different phonics programmes to find the best available teaching for our pupils and we have made reading a key part of other subject areas. Sharing stories and recommending books is an essential part of our reading curriculum.

We understand that all children are different and we offer opportunities for them to shine wherever their particular talents lie. As children progress through the school they will deepen their understanding of art, technology, science, history and geography. We are also proud to offer excellent PE and performing arts curricula, making use of our brand new facilities.

Our Early Years (Reception) provision involves a blend of whole-class learning, teacher-led group tasks and child-initiated activities. The teachers take advantage of the learning opportunities both inside the classroom and outside. We aim to ensure that the building blocks for future learning are in place such as a good grasp of phonics, the ability to focus and work hard, language skills and a positive attitude towards learning.

Enriching Curriculum

Learning equips children with the skills to succeed in their schooling and in life. More importantly, learning enriches us and opens up new possibilities and ideas. We teach children knowledge from a broad range of subject areas and encourage creativity and critical thinking.

To achieve this, we have implemented the Unity Schools Partnership's CUSP curriculum model for several key subjects: History, Geography, Science and Design Technology. Our decision to adopt the CUSP curriculum is grounded in extensive educational research and aligns perfectly with our school’s values and goals.

Research-Based Approach

The CUSP curriculum is rooted in research around working memory, cognitive overload, and retrieval practice. These principles ensure that pupils can effectively absorb and retain information over the long term. The curriculum is designed to prevent cognitive overload by carefully structuring the learning process, making it easier for pupils to manage and retain new information.

Emphasis on Oracy and Vocabulary

A key highlight of the CUSP curriculum is its strong focus on oracy and vocabulary development. By emphasising the retention and application of new vocabulary, CUSP supports accelerated student progress. Well-developed oracy skills empower our pupils to communicate confidently and effectively, equipping them to pursue their aspirations.

Rosenshine’s Principles of Direct Instruction

The CUSP curriculum integrates Rosenshine’s principles of direct instruction to enhance the teaching of essential vocabulary. Each module within the framework provides structured plans for exploring word etymology and morphology. Additionally, suggested scaffolds support vocabulary instruction, ensuring that all pupils, regardless of their starting point, can engage with and comprehend the material.

Structured and Logical Learning Modules

The CUSP curriculum is carefully designed and well-structured, with learning units, known as 'modules,' thoughtfully sequenced across year groups and terms. This approach enables new knowledge to build on prior learning, fostering deeper understanding across subjects. Each module outlines previous learning, key concepts, and enquiry questions for every lesson. As children progress through the modules, they develop a rich and interconnected body of knowledge. 

An essential component to CUSP lessons is the systematic and coherent approach that we embed focusing on the six phases of a lesson.

Excellent subject knowledge, connections with prior learning, consistency in explanations with worked examples, deliberate practice with hard-thinking tasks, and integration of new learning creates long-term memory and coherent schemata creation.

Interleaving and Spaced Retrieval

CUSP employs research-based strategies such as interleaving and spaced retrieval, enabling pupils to revisit and recall prior learning, strengthening both memory and comprehension. By incorporating periods of 'forgetting' followed by retrieval, these techniques help embed knowledge more securely in long-term memory.

Cross-Subject Links and Knowledge Strips

The CUSP curriculum also emphasises making connections between subjects, adding depth and coherence to children’s learning experiences. Highly effective ‘Knowledge Strips’ are used in each lesson to detail essential knowledge. These strips, which include keywords and pictures (dual coding), make the curriculum more accessible, particularly benefiting children with Cognition and Learning SEND needs. By making learning accessible to all pupils, including those with SEND needs, CUSP embodies our commitment to compassion and inclusivity, ensuring every child feels valued and supported. The structured and interconnected nature of the CUSP curriculum fosters a sense of community amongst pupils, as they build on shared knowledge and understanding, supporting each other’s learning journey.

In summary, the adoption of the CUSP curriculum at Manor Drive Primary Academy reflects our dedication to providing an ambitious, compassionate, and community focused education that equips our pupils with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. By fostering strong oracy and vocabulary skills and employing proven teaching strategies, we aim to nurture confident, articulate, and knowledgeable learners.