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Nursery Information

A nursery for 3 and 4 year olds is an integral part of Manor Drive Primary Academy. The nursery is housed in a purpose-built part of the academy with its own outdoor area.

Our nursery children will be nurtured and cared for by our team of dedicated nursery staff, whilst being given high quality educational opportunities to explore and develop. We have a balance of child-led learning and adult-led activities in our bespoke nursery curriculum. Children will also have the opportunity to discover our beautiful new campus and enjoy outdoor learning.

We believe in developing the 'whole child' with a focus on social and emotional skills as well as encouraging children's independence and helping them to progress academically.

We accept government funding for 15 hours childcare and also 30 hours of childcare for eligible children. The following website contains information about who is eligible for 30 hours of funding.


To apply for a place at the Manor Drive Nursery, please call the office on 01733 598001 or alternatively you can email: office@manordriveprimary.org.uk


Manor Drive Nursery is a term time only nursery. The term dates are the same as those of Manor Drive Primary Academy and can be seen here.


If you are not eligible for 15 or 30 hours funding then the nursery will charge the following fees:

3 and 4-year-old provision



Morning Session 8:45-11:45


Lunch time Supervision* 11:45 - 12:15


Optional School (Hot) Meal 




Afternoon Session 12:15 - 15:15


*If children stay for the lunchtime supervision session they can either bring a packed lunch from home or parents can choose to pay for a school meal. The cost of the school meal is in addition to the £2 session charge.

We offer breakfast club and after school club provision for our nursery and our school children. This will be dependent on numbers and staffing.