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British Values

Manor Drive Primary Academy teaches British Values in accordance with government guidelines. These values are:

  • Individual Liberty

  • Democracy

  • The Rule of Law

  • Mutual Respect

  • Tolerance of those with different faiths or beliefs

In order to prepare students for life in modern Britain, these values are embedded within our curriculum and into the ethos of Manor Drive.

Our PSHE curriculum teaches British Values through the areas of Relationships and Living in the Wider World. These areas are revisited several times each year. In addition, our Religious Education curriculum emphasises tolerance for different faiths and draws similarities between value systems.

At Manor Drive, our modelling of British values extends beyond our taught lessons.

Throughout the year, we have focused British Value themed assemblies and encourage the children to reflect on each value and how these are demonstrated in our school, the local community and wider Britain. We encourage mutual respect by demonstrating respectful interactions and by engaging pupils in volunteering in the local community. Children’s understanding of right and wrong is also enacted through our school rules, our school motto and our consistent behaviour strategy.  Our elected School Council further highlights the concept of democracy.