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SEND Report Information 2024 to 2025

At Manor Drive Primary Academy we believe that every child has the right to achieve their full potential. We aim to raise the aspirations of, and expectations for, children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).

A child has special educational needs or disabilities if they have a learning difficulty or disability which means they find it significantly harder to learn, or to do activities which children the same age are able to do. These children need extra help or support, or special provision made for them to enable them to access their learning.

Special educational needs are identified through:

  • close liaison with pre-schools and nurseries
  • the tracking of pupil progress
  • observations by teachers and adults in school
  • concerns raised by parents.

There is always collaboration between parents, the child and the SENDCo to create an individual learning plan.

We adapt our provision to meet the needs of the children in our school. We are committed to providing quality first teaching so that all children make progress with their learning whatever their starting point. The specific support will depend on the needs of the individual child.

The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator in school is Ms. Pearson. If you have any questions about SEND then please do not hesitate to come into school to arrange to speak to her.

Local Offer

The Children and Families Act (March 2014) requires Local Authorities to. "Publish a local offer, setting out in one place information about provision they expect to be available for children and young people in their area who have special educational needs.


Our SEND Offer 2024 to 2025
