Learning Toolkit

Throughout their time in school, children are taught to develop the following skills within aspects of their educational opportunities.



Resilience is the ability to “bounce back” from difficult experiences. To be resilient you must never give up on anything, you always get better at things by making mistakes - mistakes help you learn. You have to keep working hard to achieve your goals.



Responsibility is the ability to take ownership of your actions and decisions, leading to a greater sense of control and personal growth.





Perseverance is sticking with things. It means being hard-working and finishing what is started, despite barriers and obstacles that arise.  When we achieve a goal that we have worked hard for, we feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. 


Concentration is the ability to focus on something for a period of time, excluding other thoughts. Concentration allows you to better use your resources and approach problems more efficiently. When you are concentrating it is less likely that you will miss important information. 


Teamwork is the ability to work with others and to help others attain their full potential and achieve the shared goals. We can support and encourage one another.